5 Trends in Web Design

To any business with a website, web design is something that is vital. It determines whether you can attract customers and also keep them there. Customers want to look through websites that are clean, clear, easy to navigate, and aesthetically pleasing. With this in mind, here we look at the top 5 trends in web design that companies should consider.

1. Content-centric
The aesthetics part of a website can get creative and inventive, but it shouldn’t distract the readers’ attention away from the contents. After all, they visit the websites for content, not art. An artsy design can add bonus points to the website design but it can also deduct points when it becomes too chaotic. Of course, there is a fine line between too much and not enough, and that is something that will continue to be argued about and debated over.

2.  The Type Shines Through
When designers are focused on the content, naturally the type of the words come under the spotlight. There is a trend toward big, bold type that pops at the readers and pulls at their attention. This doesn’t mean that all contents are big and bold –it’s only the most important keywords that the readers should know about your website.

3. Trend Towards SVGs
SVGs, or scalable vector graphics, are graphics made up of vectors. Unlike traditional image formats like JPG, PNG and GIF, they are resolution-independent meaning they look to the scale and clear on any screen or device type. You can also animate them, which makes them a favorite of many designers. In today’s era with people owning multiple types of devices, SVGS are no doubt going to become increasingly popular.

4. The Use of Colors
With color theory gaining popularity, many more designers are recognizing the importance of colors on their websites as well. Blue can make people feel safe; orange provokes happy feeling—different colors are employed to rouse different emotions in the readers. Gradient is also gaining attention, and personally I love this elegant design.

5. Chat Bots for More Intelligent Websites

Websites are, after all, access points for readers. There is communication between the website and readers through ways like “Contact us” or the company email and phone number posted on the website. However, an increasing number of companies are employing chat bots to interact with readers on the websites. Customers can ask a question to the chat bots and get real time answers. Oftentimes, the customers don’t even know that it is a bot on the other end. AI, short for artificial intelligence, is a growing field and increasingly more companies will be employing it on their websites as they see its values.
