
Showing posts from June, 2017

Top-Picked Schools for UX Design

UX Design is a relatively new topic. They are also highly in demand in multiple industries today. Most companies train up their UX designers as there are not many schools with an official UX design major, but getting a college degree can give you an edge over other candidates. Below are top schools of UX design to graduate from. 1. MIT Media Lab 2. Carnegie Mellon University 3. University of California, Irvine 4. Stanford University 5. Purdue University 6. San Jose State University 7. University of California, Berkeley 8. Georgia Tech 9. University of Virginia 10. California State University – Long Beach

Ongoing Trends in UX Design

UX is so ubiquitous today that it is no longer a question for companies whether or not they should incorporate user experience into their production process. Most, if not all, companies are recognizing the importance of user experience research and have taken steps to incorporate it into their company production process. The question now becomes how to best do it. Below are top trends in the user experience field that companies should consider in their undertaking of UX. More Agile Than Waterfall Waterfall and agile are the two main methodology of user experience. Waterfall, or the traditional approach, is a linear way to do user experience where a product goes through a process of conception, initiation, analysis, design, construction, testing, and finally deployment. Each stage must be finished before going on to the next one. Agile, on the other hand, is an iterative approach to user experience. Each phase has a list of deliverables to be finished, which is then reviewed an

Top 10 UX Design Company

UX Design is a relatively new "hot" button topic today. UX designers are also highly in demand in multiple industries today. Most companies train up their UX designers as there are not many schools with an official UX design major, but getting a college degree can give you an edge over other candidates. Below are top schools of UX design to graduate from. 1. MIT Media Lab 2. Carnegie Mellon University 3. University of California, Irvine 4. Stanford University 5. Purdue University 6. San Jose State University 7. University of California, Berkeley 8. Georgia Tech 9. University of Virginia 10. California State University – Long Beach